Write and Execute Your First Playwright Test

Tutorial 2​​ ​​ Write and Execute First​​ Playwright​​ Script

What you will Learn​​ in this​​ blog:

  • Create​​ first​​ Playwright​​ blank​​ Test​​ 

  • Import Testrunner and assertion

  • Playwright Test Syntax

  • Launch browser and load a website using playwright​​ (headless mode = default)

  • Launch browser and load a website using playwright​​ (headed mode)

  • Verify presence of an element on​​ a​​ page

  • Complete code

Create​​ first​​ Playwright​​ blank​​ Test

Right click under LEARNPW folder that we created in our last tutorial

Create a​​ new folder or​​ sub-folder​​ ‘PWTests’



Right click this sub-folder and click ‘New File’


The filename should have​​ .spec.ts​​ as suffix as shown below (ts​​ stands for Typescript)



Import Testrunner and assertion

We will​​ now​​ import Testrunner and assertions​​ from Playwright Test package.​​ The functions available in this package​​ will help us automating browsers.​​ Below is the syntax​​ to import the packages


Select​​ @playwright/test​​ within single quotes​​ as shown below


Playwright Test Syntax

To create a​​ Test, we use the​​ test​​ keyword​​ and the syntax is:


Make sure that the​​ ‘test description’​​ is within the single quotes​​ and not double.​​ 

Do not worry too much about​​ async​​ and​​ page​​ keywords right now. We will look at them later.​​ For right now, just remember that every function in​​ playwright is​​ asynchronous. Also, passing the​​ page​​ argument to the function gives us access to all the functions​​ that we​​ require to control the browser.​​ 


Launch​​ browser and load a​​ website​​ using playwright ​​​​ (headless mode = default)

The line number 4 will launch a browser and will load the​​ desired​​ website, see below

Save the file.

The ‘await’ keyword ensures that the script does NOT move​​ to​​ the next promise till the current promise is fulfilled.​​ Right now, there is only one promise that needs to be fulfilled and that​​ promise​​ is to​​ launch​​ the url. ​​​​ 


Open a terminal and execute:​​ npx playwright test​​ 

Notice below that our test gets executed and it got passed. By default, the execution will be headless viz we will not be able to see the browser


Launch browser and load a website using playwright (headed mode)


To see the browser getting launched, execute the command using --headed option :
npx playwright test​​ --headed

Notice below that the chromium browser gets launched and the website page is loaded


Verify presence of an element on page
aunch​​ https://www.way2automation.com/lifetime-membership-club/​​ and inspect the header.​​ 

Notice below that it’s an​​ h1​​ tag​​ having the value LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP CLUB


To​​ locate this header element, we will simply use the ‘locator’ method to locate the​​ h1​​ element, see line#5


Next, when we mouse hover​​ .locator​​ method, we see that this method returns us an element locator​​ 


Let us store this element locator in a constant variable


Now we can perform​​ validation​​ action​​ ‘expect’​​ on ‘pageHeader’​​ as shown​​ below


Our complete script looks like as shown below


Let us execute this script in headless mode, notice below that our Test got passed



Let us introduce an error in the expected string, see below. We have changed LIFETIME to LFETIME



Save the file and execute the script.

Notice below that our script fails and the log clearly tells us the reason as to why our test failed



Complete code


import​​ {test,expect}​​ from​​ '@playwright/test'


test('test description',​​ async​​ ({​​ page​​ })​​ =>​​ {

   ​​ await​​ page.goto('https://www.way2automation.com/lifetime-membership-club/')

   ​​ const​​ pageHeader​​ =  await​​ page.locator('h1')

   ​​ await​​ expect(pageHeader).toContainText('LFETIME MEMBERSHIP CLUB')  ​​ 



So this is how we can execute a simple test using playwright.


Thanks for reading!

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