Setup Python and Pip [Package manager for Python] on Windows

Tutorial 2​​ ​​ Setup​​ Python, Pip

Welcome to the 2nd​​ tutorial in Python Behave BDD series.

What you will Learn :

  • Download and Install Python​​ on Windows OS

  • What is​​ PIP​​ [Package manager for Python]

Download and​​ Install Python​​ on Windows OS

Go to the website​​


Click ‘Download Python <version number>’​​ that you see​​ above

This would​​ download python application exe​​ file​​ for windows

Double click this​​ exe​​ to start installing Python,​​ click ‘Run’ on the popup​​ window that comes up.​​ 

In​​ the below window, select both the checkboxes (the second checkbox ensures that Python is added to the environment variable)​​ 

Click ‘Install Now’​​ to install Python in the location mentioned (see above,​​ you can see the location ​​ C:\Users …..)

The below window​​ will show the progress of installation

After sometime, the below window would be seen,​​ showing​​ that the​​ python installation was​​ successful

Click Close. This completes Python installation.

Next,​​ how do we know the path​​ where Python got installed on your windows machine?​​ 

It got installed at the location seen below (this is one of the screenshots that we saw during Python installation)

So, let us open the windows explorer and cd to this path, see​​ below​​ 

Double check that this path is added to system’s environment variables. To do that, right click ‘This PC’

Click Properties

Click ‘Advanced system settings’

Click ‘Environment Variables’

Select Path, as seen below

Click​​ Edit​​ 

Click New​​ and add below path

Click OK

Also, go to /Scripts folder as seen below.​​ We​​ need to add​​ this path​​ as well since this path contains ‘pip.​​ Now,​​ pip stands for "preferred installer program" or "Pip Installs Packages". So pip is the standard package manager for python which is used to install/manage additional packages that are not part of standard Python library. When you download any package using pip, the package will automatically be injected into the python environment C:\Users\......\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32

So, we don’t have to separately import the packages when we are working on any project. We can directly start working on our project without worrying about importing the additional package

So, copy this path and​​ add​​ this path​​ as well

Click OK​​ and close all windows

To check whether the python has been installed successfully or not, open the command prompt & type​​ python​​ --version​​ and hit enter, you​​ should​​ see​​ the python version that you have installed, see below. This means we have successfully installed Python

Also, the below command will show you the path where python is installed. If you notice, the below shows the same path where the python got installed

The below command will take you to python command prompt


Please note that, below is the real ‘python’ executable file. That’s the reason we had executed ‘python’ in the above screenshot. If you rename python to something else, lets suppose python3​​ (in the below directory), than you have to execute python3​​ in the above command line window. You can try that out

The below command will show you the path where pip is installed


If you notice, the above path matches with the pip path that we saw earlier

Let us cd to this directory

The below command will tell us the packages that are already installed

You can pick up any package from the above list and run the below command ‘pip show <package name’. It will show the details of the package

The below command is also similar to ‘pip list’ that we saw above

These commands come handy as we move ahead.​​ We will continue with our setup in our next tutorial. ​​ 

Thank you​​ for reading!

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