Tutorial 6 – Setup Pytest-Playwright in PyCharm
What you will Learn:
Install pytest framework in playwright
Create pytest code and execute the same
Code snippets
Install pytest framework in playwright
Execute the command: pip install pytest-playwright
Execute the command to ensure pytest-playwright is installed: pip list
Execute below command to launch the inspector:
playwright codegen https://sso.teachable.com/secure/673/identity/login
Click Library dropdown. Pytest should now be seen
Select Pytest to convert the code into pytest format
Note: If you do not see 'Pytest' in the inspector dropdown, make sure you have playwright version 1.22 or higher. You can find out the playwright version by executing the 'pip list' command. You can upgrade playwright by executing the commands:
'pip install -U playwright' followed by 'playwright install'
Now, coming back, enter any email and pwd in the chromium browser
Notice that the corresponding pytest code gets auto-generated
Copy the code by clicking the ‘Copy’ icon
Create pytest package
Create python file starting with 'test' keyword, example test_pytest.py
Note: We will get error (while execution) if the filename does not start with 'test' keyword.
Paste the code, see below. Remember that this code is in pytest framework format
Close inspector and chromium browser.
Execute the above pytest file by executing --> pytest
Notice above that the test gets passed. By default, the execution happens in headless mode and we do not see the browser.
Let us add a ‘print’ statement in the code
Execute pytest --headed -s command if we want to launch the browser. The ‘-s’ flag is for displaying the print o/p in console. Notice below the o/p gets printed and the browser gets launched
This is how we setup the pytest framework in pycharm and execute the pytest file.
Code snippet
from playwright.sync_api import Page, expect
def test_example(page: Page) -> None:
print("test execution complete")
Thank you for reading!