Parameterize Tests and usage of Text locator in Playwright

Tutorial 10​​ ​​ Parameterize a test​​ in Playwright​​ 

What you will Learn​​ in this​​ blog:

  • Parameterize a Test

  • Locate an element using text (Text locator)

  • Code snippet

Parameterize a Test in PW​​ ​​ 

Sometimes​​ we may want to execute a Test with multiple sets of data. As an example, let us launch​​ 

We have a ‘Login’ field here. We may want to login with different user ids for​​ different tests. It does not make sense to automate the same login functionality again and again for different user ids (since the code logic would be same).

So instead, what we do is that, we write a piece of code for login functionality and then parametrize it for different user ids.​​ 

Before we practically see this, let us first inspect the above ‘Login’ field

Make a note of ‘id’, we would be using it in our script to locate this field.

Now, to begin with, we will first create a constant holding the 3 test user names

We will than use the ‘for’ loop​​ that will iterate over these usernames (the ‘name’ variable in the ‘for’ loop will hold the different user ids at runtime)

Now, launch​​​​ 

Copy the below syntax, make a special note of the backtick

Create a test and use the above syntax

Next, in line#11, we are picking a username from the ‘name’​​ variable​​ at runtime and typing the same in the ‘Login’ field​​ 

Cut the ‘test’ block and paste it inside the ‘for’ loop​​ 

So the comple code looks like below

Let us save and execute, notice below that the test gets executed 3 times (for each of the 3 user ids)​​ 


See the output below

So this is how we can easily parametrize our tests in playwright.

Locate an element using text (Text locator)


Let us suppose we want to click any link ‘A/B Testing’

We​​ can simply use​​ the text of the​​ above​​ link and use it in our script.

The below page comes up when we click the above link

We have already seen the ‘locator’ method

Below, we are using the​​ (“text=<text of the link>”).click​​ operation to click the element

Save an run the script, notice below that the link gets clicked and the new page opens​​ 

Let us try another link

Save and run

Notice below that the link gets clicked and the new page opens​​ 

So this is how we use the text locator to click any link based upon its text.

Code snippet

import​​ {test,expect}​​ from​​ '@playwright/test'


const​​ people​​ = ['TestUser1',​​ 'TestUser2',​​ 'TestUser3']


for​​ (const​​ name​​ of​​ people) {

   ​​ test(`testing with​​ ${name}`,​​ async​​ ({​​ page​​ })​​ =>​​ {

       ​​ await​​ page.goto('')

       ​​ await​​ page.type('#user_login',​​ `${name}`)

       ​​ await​​ page.waitForTimeout(4000)        




test.only("using text locator to click element",​​ async​​ ({​​ page​​ })​​ =>​​ {

   ​​ await​​ page.goto('')

   ​​ //await page.locator("text=A/B Testing").click()

   ​​ await​​ page.locator("text=Context Menu").click()

   ​​ await​​ page.pause()    



Thank you for reading!

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