Tutorial 22 – Parameterization (Data Driven Testing) using Playwright Java
What you will Learn in this blog:
Parameterize a Test using PW-java (dataProvider in same file)
Parameterize a Test using PW-java (dataProvider in different file)
Code snippet
Parameterize a Test using PW-java (dataProvider in same file)
Sometimes we may want to execute a Test with multiple sets of data.
As an example, let us launch
We have a ‘Login’ field here. We may want to login with different user ids for different tests. It does not make sense to automate the same login functionality again and again for different user ids (since the code logic would be same).
So instead, what we do is that, we write a piece of code for login functionality and then parametrize it for different user ids.
Before we practically see this, let us first inspect the above ‘Login’ field
Make a note of ‘id’, we would be using it in our script to locate this field.
To begin with, we will first create a @DataProvider TestNg annotation that will contain an ‘Object’ array holding the 3 test user names
We will now use this ‘dataProvider’ in our @Test method (the ‘username’ variable will hold the different user ids at runtime)
So the complete code looks like below
Let us save and execute, notice below that the test gets executed 3 times (for each of the 3 user ids)
See the output below
This is how we can easily parametrize our tests in playwright.
Parameterize a Test using PW-java (dataProvider in different file)
We can keep our dataProvider in a separate class file
In this case, we can add the below argument to fetch the data from external file
Save an execute. Notice that the test gets executed 3 times
Code snippet (dataProvider in same file)
package com.testng;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Browser;
import com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserContext;
import com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserType;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Page;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright;
public class PWTestNg {
private Browser browser;
private BrowserContext browserContext;
private Page page;
public void setUp() {
Playwright pw = Playwright.create();
browser = pw.chromium().launch(new BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));
browserContext = browser.newContext();
page = browserContext.newPage();
@Test(dataProvider = "TestData")
public void test1(String username) {
public Object[] getData(){
Object[][] obj = new Object[][] {
return obj;
public void tearDown() {
Code snippet (dataProvider in different file)
package com.testng;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Browser;
import com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserContext;
import com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserType;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Page;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright;
public class PWTestNg {
private Browser browser;
private BrowserContext browserContext;
private Page page;
public void setUp() {
Playwright pw = Playwright.create();
browser = pw.chromium().launch(new BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));
browserContext = browser.newContext();
page = browserContext.newPage();
@Test(dataProvider = "TestData", dataProviderClass = ExternalDataProvider.class)
public void test1(String username) {
public void tearDown() {
Thank you for reading!