New features in Selenium4 – Page Loading options (Eager, Normal, None), Fullscreen and Minimize window

New features​​ in Selenium4 -​​ Page Loading options (Eager, Normal, None),​​ Fullscreen and Minimize window​​ 

What you will Learn:

  • Fullscreen and Minimize window​​ – new​​ in Selenium 4

  • Page Loading options​​ (normal, eager, none)

  • Code snippets

Fullscreen and Minimize window​​ in Selenium 4​​ 

In Selenium​​ 4,​​ we now have a method that will full screen and minimize a window.​​ 

Let us automate a simple use case:​​ 

Let us first automate steps a and b

Run script, observe below that we have a fullscreen window​​ 

Let us now write the minimize() method

Run the script, selenium would minimize the window.

Page Loading options​​ (normal, eager, none)

In the past versions of Selenium, we would have to set a default page load timeout (example, 15 seconds, 20 sec and so on).

From Selenium 4 onwards, we can use​​ 3​​ different approaches​​ (or the load strategies)​​ to wait for a page to load.

Here is official documentation link to have a glimpse​​ of the 3 new approaches:​​​​ 

Before we take a look at these 3 options, let us first understand little bit about​​ document.readyState​​ by launching the site​​​​ 

Once the site is launched, right click on the page and inspect > go to Console as shown below

Execute the command​​ document.readyState​​ as shown above and see the output that is shown ‘complete’. This signifies that the page has been fully loaded.

Next, refresh the page (press F5 key) and hit Enter, you should see​​ document.readyState​​ as ‘loading’ as shown below

If you are not able to see the ‘loading’ state, you can go to ‘Network’ and select ‘Slow 3G’

Once you have done that, go to console > press F5 key and hit Enter, you should see​​ document.readyState​​ as ‘loading’ (try this a few times, you will surely see ‘loading’ state at some point).

Once the page is fully loaded, execute the same command, you will now see ‘complete’ as shown below

So when we select ‘normal’ option,​​ Selenium​​ will wait​​ until the page is fully​​ loaded.​​ This is what the below line means

However, when we select ‘eager’ option, Selenium will​​ partially​​ wait until the page is fully loaded. What this means is that, it does NOT wait for css/images/frames to load. Selenium will only​​ wait for HTML component to fully load

When we select ‘none’ option, Selenium will only wait for the initial page to download. It does NOT even wait for HTML to download.

Let us practically see how these options work.​​ Create a new class and​​ set the chrome options as shown below. You can see a new method ‘setPageLoadStrategy’

Further, we can see 3 options: EAGER, NONE, NORMAL

Let us select NORMAL

We than pass the chrome options in the constructor​​ 

Finally we launch the website​​ and quit the browser. Our final code would be:

When you run the script, you would notice that selenium waits for the entire page to download and then quits the browser

Next let us look at EAGER

Run the script, you would notice that selenium only wait for HTML to download and then quits the browser

​​ ​​ 

Next let us look at NONE

Run the script, you would notice that selenium quits the browser as soon as the site comes up

So this is how we use the page load strategy options.

Code snippet​​ (minimize/fullscreen)

package​​ sel4scripts;


import​​ org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;


import​​ io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;


public​​ class​​ MinimizeMaximiseBrowser {

public​​ static​​ void​​ main(String[]​​ args)​​ throws​​ InterruptedException {


 WebDriver​​ driver​​ =​​ new​​ ChromeDriver();

//launch a site



//Fullscreen​​ browser window



//Minimize browser window





Code snippet (page load strategy)

package​​ sel4scripts;


import​​ org.openqa.selenium.PageLoadStrategy;

import​​ org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;




import​​ io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;


public​​ class​​ PageLoaderOptions {

public​​ static​​ void​​ main(String[]​​ args)​​ throws​​ InterruptedException {


 ChromeOptions​​ co​​ =​​ new​​ ChromeOptions();




 WebDriver​​ driver​​ =​​ new​​ ChromeDriver(co);

//launch a site with page load strategy






Thank you for reading!

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