
Tutorial 25​​ ​​ Handle checkboxes​​ in cypress ​​ 

What you will Learn :

  • How to​​ check the checkboxes using ‘check()’ method

  • Add assertion​​ to check the status of​​ checkbox, whether it​​ is checked or not​​ (using ‘should’ command’

  • Add​​ a chaining​​ assertion to check if the value of the checkbox is ‘Cricket’ or not (using ‘and’ command’)

  • Un-check the checkboxes​​ using ‘uncheck()’ method

  • Select all checkboxes using a single statement

How to​​ check the​​ checkboxes​​ using ‘check()’ method

Let us launch a demo website​​ http://demo.automationtesting.in/Register.html​​ 

You would see 3 checkboxes against the ‘Hobbies’ field. This field has 3 values: Cricket, Movies, Hockey.​​ 

By default, none of the checkboxes are selected.

Let us inspect a checkbox

See below and notice the various attributes and their values. For example, the checkbox is an ‘input’ tag. The value of the ‘type’ attribute is ‘checkbox’.​​ The id of first checkbox is ‘checkbox1’.​​ The value of the​​ ‘value’ atttribute is ‘Cricket’​​ and so on..

Now, in cypress, there is a method ‘check’ that can be used to check the checkboxes. So after we get the element, we can fire the ‘check’ method as seen below

So let us​​ save and​​ run this script. See​​ below,​​ the​​ first checkbox gets​​ checked

Add assertion to check the status of checkbox, whether it is checked or not (using ‘should’ command’

After checking the checkbox,​​ let us​​ verify if​​ the checkbox​​ is already checked or not. If checkbox is already checked, than this condition becomes true and the assertion will pass

Save the script. Notice below that the assertion passes.​​ So, our expectation was that the first checkbox should be checked. This matches with the actual result as well.

Add​​ a chaining​​ assertion to check if the value of the checkbox is ‘Cricket’ or not (using ‘and’ command’)

Now we want to validate whether the value of the checkbox is ‘Cricket’ or not.​​ When we inspected this element, we saw that the value of ‘value’ attribute is ‘Cricket’​​ (C in capital letters).​​ Let us intentionally use the small letter ‘c’ to validate. If you want to perform more than one validation, you can use the ‘and()’ command as seen below​​ 

Save the script. Notice that assertion fails since expected ‘cricket’ is not same as actual ‘Cricket’​​ 

Let us now change it to ‘Cricket’

Save. the script. Notice that assertion​​ passed this time​​ since expected ‘Cricket’​​ matches​​ actual ‘Cricket’​​ 


Similarly, let us select the remaining 2 checkboxes

Save the script, notice that all checkboxes are selected and all assertions passed

Un-check the checkboxes​​ using uncheck() method

There is a ‘uncheck()’ method in cypress that we can use to de-select the checkbox

Save the script, see below, the first checkbox gets de-selected

Similarly, let us de-select remaining 2 checkboxes

Save the script, see below, all checkboxes get de-selected

Select all checkboxes using a single statement

Above, we had written 3 lines of code to select 3 checkboxes

There is a simpler way to select all the checkboxes in a single line of code.​​ If you inspect the 3 checkboxes, you would find that all the 3 checkboxes have​​ one attribute/value pair in common viz it is same for all of them:​​ type=checkbox

So we can make use of this attribute=value pair and achieve the desired result.

See below.​​ 

This time we have used cssselector instead of xpath and have used [attribute=value] combination. This locator identifies all the checkboxes.​​ 

Next, inside the ‘check()’ method, we are using an array of desired values that we want to select. These values should be inside the the square brackets []​​ and within single quotes separated by comma:​​ ​​ ​​ 

Save. Notice below that all 3 checkboxes got selected.

Let us remove any one value from the array, see below

Save. Notice below that only 2 checkboxes got selected this time​​ 

So this is how we work with checkboxes.

Complete code

Thank you for reading!

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