Handle dynamic dropdowns in cypress

Tutorial 28​​ – Handle​​ dynamic​​ dropdowns in cypress ​​ 

What you will Learn :

  • Handle dynamic​​ dropdown in cypress

  • click({force:true}) usage

  • type('{enter}') usage

Handle dynamic​​ dropdown in cypress

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You would see​​ a​​ dynamic​​ dropdown against the field​​ ‘Languages’. In a​​ dynamic​​ dropdown, the list of items​​ would be loaded at runtime​​ 

Click the dropdown,​​ you would see lot of​​ languages​​ in the dropdown, see below

Unlike static dropdown, you can select more than one option from the dynamic dropdown.​​ You can select any number of languages from the dropdown,​​ just click the desired languages. See below, whatever languages we selected,​​ they appear in the​​ languages​​ field. So we can select multiple languages at the same time​​ 

Let us see how to handle this kind of dynamic dropdown in cypress.​​ 

Let us inspect the languages field. Notice that this field is represented by ‘div’ tagname unlike ‘select’ tagname that we saw for a static dropdown field in previous tutorial​​ 

We have to first perform the ‘click’ operation on the ‘Languages’ field. This operation would show us all the options in the dropdown. We can use the ‘id’ attribute​​ to identify the field and will use the click() operation

Save and run the script

Notice below that click operation is performed successfully and we can see the languages in the dropdown

We cannot use ‘select’ method to select a value from dropdown. Let us see what happens when we do that, see line#7 below​​ 

Save and run script, notice the cypress error below.​​ The error says that we can use select() method only for ‘select’ tagnames (like we saw in static dropdown)

So, let us comment the line#7​​ 

Let us inspect any​​ one language option. Notice that all the languages are part of list viz ‘li’ tag.​​ 

Further, each ‘li’ tag contains an anchor tag ‘a'​​ and each anchor tag contains a common classname ‘ui-corner-all’, see below

So we can use this common classname as a locator to locate all the language options in the dropdown. So below command will give us all the options in the dropdown

Next, we will put an assertion to verify whether these list of options contain the ‘Arabic’ language

If the options contain ‘Arabic’ than we will perform the click operation to select it

Save the script and run. Notice below that ‘Arabic’ language gets selected

Let us add one more language

Save the script and run. Notice below that ‘Arabic’ and ‘Dutch’ languages get selected

Now we​​ will​​ see another type of dynamic dropdown element​​ ‘Select Country’, see below

When​​ you click this dropdown, you will see lot of countries in the dropdown

When we type ‘De’ in the field, the dropdown options get narrowed down to 2 viz Bangladesh and Denmark

Similarly when you type ‘Den’, you now see only​​ one​​ option in the dropdown ‘Denmark’

Now press ‘Enter’. You would see that ‘Denmark’ gets selected​​ 

Let us refresh the page and inspect the ‘Select Country’ field

As seen above, the element is represented by ‘span’ tagname. We can use the​​ attribute ‘role’​​ to create the cssSelector. So below identifies the ‘Select Country’ dropdown field​​ 

To perform the click operation on this field, we use the click() method

So our entire code so far contains 2 test case (2 ‘it’ blocks)


Save the script and run. Notice below that we get a cypress error. The reason being, ‘Select Country’ dropdown is hidden by ‘Languages’ dropdown​​ and hence cypress is not able to select any value from the ‘Select Country’ dropdown

To resolve this​​ error,​​ instead of click(), just use​​ click({force:true})​​ 

Save script and run. Notice below that ‘Select Country’ dropdown is clicked this time

Next, we will inspect the text field where we would be typing

It is of the ‘input’ type tagname. We will use the ‘role’ attribute to identify this

To type ‘Den’, we can use ‘type’ method

So our test case so far is

Save and run. Notice that ‘Den’ is typed in the types

Next, we have to press ‘Enter’key from the keyword. To do that, we can use​​ the method​​ type('{enter}')​​ on the text field cy.get("input[role='textbox']")

Save and run the script, see below, Denmark gets selected

To refer the other keyboard commands, you can refer​​ https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/type.html#Arguments​​ 

Below is complete code

So this is how we work with​​ dynamic​​ dropdowns.

Thank you for reading!

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