Handle child windows in cypress – Part 1

Tutorial 22 –​​ Handle​​ child windows​​ in cypress​​ – Part 1 ​​​​ 

What you will Learn :

  • What are child windows or tabs?

  • Use case to automate

  • Target attribute​​ in HTML document

  • removeAttr function in jquery

  • Invoke method​​ in cypress

  • go() method in cypress

What are child windows or child tabs

You may have a link on your website or a button, which, when you click, opens up a new tab or child window.​​ 

To understand this, let us go to​​ https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/windows​​ 

Click ‘Click Here’ link that you see in the website. A new tab or child window opens, see below​​ 

So, the window that comes up when you launch​​ https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/windows​​ , that​​ is the parent window.​​ ​​ However the window that comes up when you click a button or link inside a parent website, that’s the child window or child tab.​​ 

Use case to automate

Now, the use case that we are interested in​​ is:​​ when we click a button on a parent​​ website, we have to validate​​ whether​​ a new​​ child​​ tab or new child window comes up or not.​​ How will you automate this using cypress, knowing the fact that cypress​​ architecture does not​​ allow​​ us​​ to​​ work on a child tab​​ (unlike selenium).​​ The reason is, cypress team wants to maintain the consistency throughout the script.​​ The team does not want the script to keep switching the child and parent windows.

Cypress has the ability to manipulate DOM​​ (document object model).​​ For the basic DOM understanding, refer​​ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model/Introduction​​ 

So​​ cypress has the power to​​ modify the HTML content​​ of the browser page as desired.​​ 

Target attribute​​ in HTML document

Let us inspect ‘Click Here’ link​​ 

When you mouse​​ hover over the href link​​ ​​ in the html, it displays the child window url​​ https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/windows/new​​ (see below).​​ 

This is the url of the child window, see below

Notice​​ below that there is a ‘target’ attribute and it’s value is blank. This is the HTML code​​ ​​ that enables the url​​ ​​ to open in a new blank window.

Now, let us​​ click ‘Fork me on​​ GitHub’ link seen on the RHS

Notice​​ this time there is no child window,​​ the link opens​​ on the same page​​ 

Inspect ‘Fork me on GitHub’ link, it does​​ not​​ have the ‘target’ attribute. So that’s the difference.

Let us see another example website​​ https://www.standardbank.com/​​ 

Click ‘Investor Relations’, a new child window comes up

Inspect ‘Investor Relations’. Notice the presence of​​ “target”​​ attribute

One more final example:​​ Launch​​ https://way2automation.com/​​ 

Click ‘LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP’ button. Notice below that a new tab (new child window) is opened

If you inspect ‘LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP’ button, you will again see the “target” attribute having blank value

So,​​ using cypress,​​ if we can remove the​​ “target”​​ attribute from HTML DOM for a particular element​​ and click it, the page would then open in the same window.​​ So we have to manipulate the behaviour of child window.

‘removeAttr’ function in jquery

There is a “remove attribute” function in jquery that can remove​​ any desired attribute from the HTML.​​ 

Launch​​ https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/html_removeattr.asp​​ 

See above the definition of removeAttr() method. Remember, this is a jquey method. This​​ function​​ is not part of cypress commands.

Also let us inspect ‘Try it Yourself’ button that you see above. Notice below that it too has “target” attribute having value as blank

So let us click ‘Try it Yourself’ button. Notice below that a new child window comes up

Just for understanding purpose, let us click ‘Remove the style attribute from all p elements’ button seen on right hand side. Notice that the​​ red and blue coloured styles change to normal black style, see below​​ 

Invoke method in cypress

The invoke method in cypress helps us to invoke any​​ jquery​​ function.​​ Go to​​ https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/invoke.html#Syntax​​ 

You can see the cypress inbuilt invoke method.​​ Also see below description

go() method in cypress

Before we implement the script to open a child window,​​ we should also know a little about the cypress go() command. The reason being,​​ once we are on the child page,​​ the​​ go() command​​ will help us navigating back to the parent url.​​ We will then be​​ able to​​ validate the page urls​​ of parent and child windows respectively.

To understand the go() command ​​​​ https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/go.html#Syntax​​ 

As you can see below, the commands are self-explanatory. You can either use directions back/forward or the numbers -1/1 to navigate backward/forward respectively.

To understand the go() command, below script launches the parent website​​ https://way2automation.com/​​ and clicks the logo image

When you run the script, notice below that the url changes to​​ https://way2automation.com/index.html ​​​​ 

Now, in the below script, cy.go(‘back’) command navigates back to the parent website​​ https://way2automation.com/

Run the script, notice below the main website url​​ 

So, this is how the go() command​​ behaves.

In our next tutorial, we will actually be implementing the child window tab handling mechanism using a cypress script.

Thank you for reading!

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