Explicit timeouts in Playwright Java

Tutorial 11​​ ​​ Explicit​​ timeouts​​ in​​ Playwright​​ Java​​ 

What you will Learn​​ in this​​ blog:

  • Explicit​​ Timeout​​ in Playwright Java

  • Code snippets

Explicit​​ Timeout​​ in Playwright Java

In the previous article we had seen how to setup global default timeout.

Let us​​ now​​ see how to setup explicit timeout for a specific element​​ in playwright-java.​​ 

Launch​​ http://uitestingplayground.com/ajax​​ 

Read​​ the scenario description that says “after we press the button, the​​ ajax​​ data will appear​​ after​​ 15 seconds”. Thus the wait time here is 15 seconds​​ 

This means that, on​​ clicking​​ the button, the​​ ajax​​ data​​ gets loaded​​ after 15 seconds​​ 

Inspect the button

Inspect the AJAX data.​​ We can identify the AJAX data using the class ‘bg-success’ or by the text ‘Data loaded with AJAX get request’​​ 

Below is the snippet from our previous article. Let us comment default timeout (line#18)

We will​​ now​​ set the explicit wait timeout. The idea here is that, before we fetch the innertext of output ajax data (line#24 seen above), we will first wait explicitly for the output ajax data viz ​​ 

Once the data gets loaded, we will fetch the innertext.​​ 

There is a ‘waitForSelector() method that accepts​​ 2​​ arguments: the selector and the timeout

The selector argument​​ will basically hold the locator of ajax data output (since this is the element we want to wait for)

The syntax of second argument (viz timeout) is as shown below. Let us set the timeout of 16 seconds

So our code looks like below

Save and execute the test.​​ 

As expected,​​ the test​​ will pass​​ and the ajxmsg gets printed in​​ the​​ console

Let us​​ now comment 16sec timeout and add 14sec timeout as shown below​​ 

Save and execute.​​ 

The test fails​​ this time​​ because​​ the ajax data gets loaded​​ only​​ after 15 seconds, however​​ we​​ have setup timeout of 14 seconds

So this is how​​ the​​ explcit timeout​​ on a specific element​​ works.

Code snippet​​ 

package​​ com.w2a.pwjava;


import​​ com.microsoft.playwright.Browser;

import​​ com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserContext;

import​​ com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserType;

import​​ com.microsoft.playwright.Page;

import​​ com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright;


public​​ class​​ ExplicitWaitPW {

public​​ static​​ void​​ main(String[]​​ args) {

 Playwright​​ pw​​ = Playwright.create();

 Browser​​ browser​​ =​​ pw.chromium().launch(new​​ BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));

 BrowserContext​​ browserContext​​ =​​ browser.newContext();

 Page​​ page​​ =​​ browserContext.newPage();

//page.setDefaultTimeout(16000); //test passes


  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ page.locator("text=Button Triggering AJAX Request").click();

  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 

  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ //set explicit timeout

  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ //page.waitForSelector(".bg-success", new Page.WaitForSelectorOptions().setTimeout(16000));//test passes

  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ page.waitForSelector(".bg-success",​​ new​​ Page.WaitForSelectorOptions().setTimeout(14000));//test fails

  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ String​​ ajxmsg​​ = ​​ page.locator(".bg-success").innerText();

  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ System.out.println(ajxmsg);

  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 




Thanks for reading!

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