Cucumber setup in Eclipse

Tutorial 2​​ ​​ Setup cucumber in eclipse

What you will Learn :

  • Cucumber-BDD Framework design flow

  • Create Maven project in eclipse

  • Download cucumber eclipe plugin

  • Delete the dummy packages

  • Add properties​​ to​​ pom.xml

  • Add dependencies​​ to​​ pom.xml

  • Add plugins to pom.xml

  • Update maven project

Cucumber-BDD​​ Framework Design Flow

First,​​ let us understand the flow that we would be designing in our​​ cucumber framework.​​ Look at the below figure.​​ So basically, we would be given​​ a document that would comprise of many functional requirements or​​ user stories.​​ So, this document would​​ describe various​​ requirements such as:​​ how​​ to​​ perform​​ a​​ search​​ for a particular product? how to add a product to a cart? and so on… ​​​​ ​​ 

We would then convert​​ or map this requirement to the respective​​ feature file.​​ The feature file would then be mapped to a​​ step definition​​ java file.​​ Lastly,​​ Testrunner​​ java file would execute​​ respective​​ features. For each user story, we would write​​ the corresponding feature file, step def file and Test Runner.​​ So,​​ memorize​​ this​​ design flow​​ (user story > feature file > Step def​​ java​​ > Test runner​​ java)​​ while designing framework

Create Maven project in eclipse

Open eclipse, File >New >Project​​ >Select ‘Maven Project’, see below

Click Next

Click Next. In the below window, type ‘maven-archetype-quickstart’​​ in the ‘Filter’ text field. Select the group id as shown below. It does not matter which version you see (here 1.1)

Click Next. Mention any desired ‘Group Id’ and ‘Artifact Id’. The name you mention in ‘Artifact Id’ would become the name of your maven project.

Click Finish

Wait for a minute or so. You should see a maven project getting created having the same name as ‘Artifiact Id’.​​ See below

You should see the​​ same folder structure that you see above

Download cucumber eclipe plugin

This plugin is very useful​​ that will help us to create multiple feature files, it will highlight all the features/annotations​​ in respective colors, the readability will be improved.

So just​​ copy the url​​​​ 

​​ In the eclipse, Help > Install New Software

Paste the url in the ‘Work with’ field as shown below

Hit​​ ‘Enter’​​ key

You would see a checkbox named ‘Cucumber Eclipse Plugin’ as seen below

Select the checkbox​​ ‘Cucumber Eclipse Plugin’ as seen below

As soon as you select the checkbox, ‘Next’ button gets enabled​​ as seen above

Click ‘Next’

After a minute or so, the below window would come up

Click ‘Next’

Accept the license​​ terms​​ 

Click Finish

The s/w starts getting installed​​ (see right hand side bottom screen of eclipse)

After sometime you will get below popup

Click ‘Install anyway’

After the installation,​​ below popup​​ comes up

Click ‘Restart Now’

Delete the dummy packages

Next, delete the 2 dummy packages that were created when maven project was created​​ 

So after deleting, the project folders looks as below

Add​​ properties​​ to​​ pom.xml

Go to​​​​ 

This​​ java​​ skeleton is created by cucumber​​ team. Scroll down the page, you would see pom.xml

Open​​ pom.xml.​​ 

The below page would open, you would see some properties​​ within the <properties> tag.​​ As can be seen​​ below,​​ the jdk version is 1.8, junit ver is 4.13.1,​​ cucumber version is 6.9.1

Copy all these properties

Open the pom.xml file in eclipse

Paste the properties in pom.xml

Save the xml

Add dependencies to​​ pom.xml

Delete the dependency that is already present in pom.xml

So we have

Next, go back to the skeleton, you would see 3 dependencies

Copy these​​ and paste it in pom.xml

Save the xml

Add plugins to pom.xml

Add​​ a blank line before </project>​​ tag

Now go to the skeleton​​ and copy the entire <build> tag section, see below

Paste it​​ at line#44 in pom.xml

Save the xml.​​ 

Expand ‘Maven Dependencies’ folder, see below. You would see that the various​​ jars​​ get​​ downloaded automatically

Update maven project

Next,​​ right click your project > Maven > Update Project

The below popup comes

Click OK. The project gets updated with jdk 8, see below

Close pom.xml file in eclipse.

So this is how we setup cucumber in eclipse.

Thank you for reading!

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