Cucumber BDD Intro

Tutorial 1​​ ​​ Cucumber​​ BDD​​ Introduction

What you will Learn :

  • What is​​ BDD (Business driven development)​​ ?

  • Gherkin syntax

  • E2E shopping cart Gherkin syntax

  • Scenario​​ keyword

  • Feature keyword

  • Linking Gherkin with​​ java

  • Cucumber

  • Step Definition

  • References

What is​​ BDD​​ and Gherkin syntax

Let us first understand what is BDD. Go to the website​​​​ 

Look at above​​ test case.​​ We have​​ described​​ our test case in​​ the​​ form of​​ a ‘behaviour’.​​ 

So our automation test case will check whether ‘Alice will be full if she eats 3 cucumbers’. ​​​​ 

However, look at the below test case that was built​​ using pure​​ java​​ syntax. To a client/end-user, the syntax​​ looks to be slighlty technical​​ and is not so easy to understand

So by looking at above, it is difficult for the client to understand what exactly you have automated, what test case feature has been automated. They can only guess​​ what this​​ test case​​ might be doing.​​ So the business scenarios are missing in above​​ script.​​ So we cannot say for sure what the above test case exactly does.

Instead, our test case can be described in this behaviour driven style (see below).​​ 

The above syntax is called as ‘Gherkin’ syntax and our client can easily understand it. The syntax closely matches with the English​​ language​​ (having ‘Given’, ‘When’, Then’ etc keywords).​​ Most lines in a Gherkin syntax start with one of the keywords (Given, When etc).

So you can understand the test case syntax as below:

Given​​ explains what you have
When​​ you perform some action
And​​ you perform additional action
Then​​ what is the result or outcome of that action

Below is another example of​​ a test case in​​ Gherkin syntax.

Scenario: All​​ shopping​​ done

 ​​​​ Given​​ I am out shopping

 ​​​​ And​​ I have eggs

 ​​​​ And​​ I have milk

 ​​​​ And​​ I have butter

 ​​​​ When​​ I check my​​ shopping​​ list

 ​​​​ Then​​ I​​ should not have​​ anything​​ left

So you can describe your test scenario​​ using Gherkin syntax and you can link​​ these lines with actual java​​ code.

E2E shopping cart Gherkin syntax

Consider​​ below​​ end to end test case:

Let us try to convert​​ above​​ steps​​ into​​ Gherkin syntax. So, below is the business representation in BDD/cucumber world​​ which is self-explanatory.​​ 

Recall that ‘And’ keyword is used to concatenate additional actions.​​ 

Scenario: E2E automation

 ​​​​ Given​​ I launch an e-commerce website

 ​​​​ When​​ I enter ‘Lenovo IdeaCentre 600 All-in-One PC’ in search field

 ​​​​ And​​ I search the item

 ​​​​ And​​ I​​ add item​​ to shopping cart

 ​​​​ And​​ I​​ go to shopping cart

 ​​​​ And​​ I enter 2 in quantity field

 ​​​​ And​​ I update my shopping cart

 ​​​​ Then​​ 'Total' amount should​​ be​​ $1000

Scenario​​ keyword

As you must have noticed in above test cases, in addition to other keywords, we also used ‘Scenario’ keyword.​​ A ‘Scenario’ describes intended behaviour of the test case. In other words, a ‘Scenario’ describes​​ what,​​ not​​ how.

Consider below test case.​​ 

The ‘Scenario’ is describing the​​ what​​ viz​​ what the free subscribers will see. It does not describe​​ how the free subscribers will see only free articles.​​ 

Feature keyword

‘Feature’ represents a Test Suite.​​ A test suite can have multiple test cases. Each scenario represents​​ one test case. So if you consider below example, we have a ‘Feature’ that contains 2 test cases or 2 scenarios.

Linking Gherkin with​​ java

Let us look at below test case again.​​ We will​​ ultimately​​ be linking all​​ our Gherkin syntax with java​​ code, as shown below.​​ 

Scenario: E2E automation

 ​​​​ Given​​ I launch an e-commerce website​​ linked to​​ 
<some java code
​​ to launch website>​​ .get('')

 ​​​​ When​​ I enter ‘Lenovo IdeaCentre 600 All-in-One PC’ in search field​​ linked to​​ 
<some java code to​​ type text in the search box>​​ .sendkeys('Lenovo IdeaCentre 600 All-in-One PC')

 ​​​​ And​​ I search the item​​ linked to​​ 
<some java code to click the search button>​​ .click()

 ​​​​ And​​ I add item to shopping cart​​ linked to​​ 
<some java code to add item to cart>​​ ('.product-box-add-to-cart-button').click()

 ​​​​ And​​ I go to shopping cart​​ linked to​​ 
<some java code to click the shopping cart>​​ ('.cart-label').click()

 ​​​​ And​​ I enter 2 in quantity field​​ linked to​​ 
​​ <some java code to​​ type numeric 2 in qty field>​​ .sendkeys('2')

 ​​​​ And​​ I update my shopping cart​​ linked to​​ 
​​ <some java code to click and update the cart>​​ ("[value='Update shopping cart']").click()

 ​​​​ Then​​ 'Total' amount should be $1000​​ linked to​​ 
<some java code to validate the amount>​​ ('.product-subtotal').assertEquals('$1,000.00')

However, we will not share the​​ java​​ code with end user, we will only share the BDD (behaviour​​ driven development) Gherkin syntax​​ with client.​​ 


As we have seen above,​​ we​​ describe the desired behaviour in a​​ test case and based upon this behaviour, we​​ drive​​ our development.​​ By development, we mean writing the actual​​ java​​ code​​ and linking it to behaviour.​​ 

That’s the reason we call it as ‘Behaviour Driven Development’

Cucumber is one of the tool​​ which supports this BDD framework.

Step Definition

Now, what is a step?​​ Each line of a scenario is a step.​​ 

So basically, all the below are steps.​​ To define these steps would mean to write the actual​​ java​​ code.​​ 

In ‘Behaviour Driven Development’, we write our​​ java​​ code inside ‘Step Definition’ file.​​ The link-up depends upon the programming language you are using. Different programming languages have different syntaxes to link.

To see a typical step definition file for cucumber/java combination, go to the link​​​​ ​​ 

Select Java image

You would see an example of Gherkin and​​ the corresponding java​​ syntax, see below



You can refer the link​​​​ to​​ read​​ more about Gherkin syntax

You can refer the link​​​​ to read more about​​ how to group and write your step definition file

You can also refer​​​​ to further dig into various other cucumber related documents

Thank you​​ for reading!

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