Tutorial 21 – Create TestNg Test using Playwright Java
What you will Learn in this blog:
How to create TestNG test using Playwright Java
Solve 2 exceptions (unsupportedClassVersion, IllegalAccess)
Code snippets
How to create TestNG test using Playwright
First of all, we need to include TestNg dependency in pom.xml file
Goto https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.testng/testng
Copy dependency
Paste in xml
The testng jar would be seen under maven folder as shown below
One more thing to note here.
Notice below. The scope is ‘test’. What this means is that, the TestNg jar file will be avaiable only for the src/test/java project
In other words, the TestNg jar will not be recognized under src/main/java. If we want TestNg jar to be recognized under src/main/java, we have to remove the test scope from xml. Let us leave the scope as it is.
Let us now create TestNg test by using the above TestNg library.
Create a package under src/test/java and further create a java file
Create 3 annotations:
@BeforeMethod, @Test, @AfterMethod
Inside @BeforeMethod, we would be initializing the stuff (creating PW instance, browser instance etc)
Next, under @Test method, we will put our actual Test
The reason we are getting error is because, the ‘page’ object that we created under @BeforeMethod is local to @BeforeMethod. The @Test method does not recognize the ‘page’ object.
To correct this error, create the instance variables. These can now be accessed throught the class
Change the @BeforeMethod accordingly
Notice that the error is no more under @Test
Next, we can close the browser and page instance under @AfterMethod
Save the code.
Next, run as TestNG Test
You might get below exception (unsupportedClassVersion error)
To resolve this, download and install a higher version jre viz jre-11
Next, go to project properties, select JRE and Edit
Select as shown below
Apply and Close.
This time we get another exception “IllegalAccessError”
The reason being, the environment variable might be pointing to old jdk, so lets correct it
Similarly change JAVA_HOME
Next, Windows > Preferences >Expand Java > Installed JREs > make sure JRE-11 is selected
Similarly, the compiler should be greater than 1.8
Apply and Close
Exit eclipse
Open eclipse
Next, run as TestNG Test
Notice that our TestNg test is pass
Code snippet
package com.testng;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Browser;
import com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserContext;
import com.microsoft.playwright.BrowserType;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Page;
import com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright;
public class PWTestNg {
private Browser browser;
private BrowserContext browserContext;
private Page page;
public void setUp() {
Playwright pw = Playwright.create();
browser = pw.chromium().launch(new BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));
browserContext = browser.newContext();
page = browserContext.newPage();
public void test1() {
page.locator("input >> nth=0").fill("angular");
page.locator("input >> nth=1").fill("password");
page.locator("input >> nth=2").fill("angular");
public void tearDown() {
Thank you for reading!