Tutorial 3: Create Git Repository

What you will Learn:


Create Git account

Go to https://github.com/

Create Git Repository

Click ‘Sign up’ to create a GIT account

Enter required details

Create Git RepositoryCreate Git RepositoryCreate Git Repository

Click ‘Create account’

Create Git Repository

Verify your email address by entering code, you would automatically be logged in to Github

Create Git Repository

Make a note of your username, password etc for later reference.

You will receive another email that has link to create a new repository

Create Git Repository

Click the link ‘Create a new repository’, below page comes up

Create Git Repository

Create GIT repository on Remote GitHub server

To complete the flow, let us enter desired repository name in the ‘Repository name’ field (here ‘codegit’)

Create Git Repository

Click ‘Create repository’

The below page comes up, so the link of github repository is (in your case, the link might be different)

Create Git Repository

This is how we create a GitHub repository.

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Register username & email id with GIT

Let us now configure our user information in GIT. You would be needing the userid & email id that you had created while creating your GIT account (see above section).

userid: W2AGit
email: sskg12035@gmail.com
We will register this userid & email id with GIT by running the following 2 commands one by one:
git config –global user.name “<your user id>”
git config –global user.email “<your email id>”

Create Git Repository

So we have registered the username and email id on GIT.

‘git config -l’ command lists all the GIT configurations. The last 2 entries show the user.name and user.email that we have setup

Create Git Repository

The below config command enables command line colouring output (to color output for git). ‘auto’ means that GIT will use supported color on terminals. We will understand this better later

Create Git Repository

Notice that the entry is listed at the end

Create Git Repository

Create GIT repository on our local machine

Let us create some files in our local machine working directory (we will later move the files to Github).

In our local machine, let us create a new folder on our desktop & give it a desired name. We will create a directory using git bash terminal, see below
Create Git Repository
Please note: You can also create a directory manually

Right now, you can see that the directory is empty when we do ‘ls’.

Thank you for reading!

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