Create feature file and Step definition file in Cucumber

Tutorial 3​​ ​​ ​​ Create​​ feature​​ and Step definition​​ file​​ in cucumber

What you will Learn :

  • Create a feature file

  • Configure the​​ cucumber​​ feature

  • Execute the feature file

  • Create Step Definition​​ file

Create a feature file

Right click src/test/java > New > Package​​ 

Let us name the package as ‘Features’​​ (you can also name the package as ‘AppFeatures’ or any other name you wish to)

Finish, the package gets created

Next, right click ‘Features’ package > New > File

The filename should describe some feature (example: login, search, addtocart etc). So, let us mention a file name with​​ .feature​​ suffix as seen below


Notice below that​​ feature file gets created​​ with​​ some default features. This is due to the cucumber plugin that we had installed in the previous tutorial

You can also see some of the comments (lines 1-18) that describe some of the keywords for your ready reference.

Let us remove the sample features (line#19 onwards)

We will create our own feature using the​​ Feature:​​ reserved​​ keyword. So let us write​​ Feature:

Now hit spacebar to create whitespace. Notice that the color changes

Let us give some name to our feature​​ 

Let us now write scenario name using​​ Scenario:​​ keyword

Let us now write the ‘Given’ keyword which defines some pre-condition

Carefully see line#22 above. Do NOT​​ add colon after ‘Given’ keyword. Thus​​ ​​ is wrong. You should use​​ ​​ 

Next, we will write the ‘When’ step that defines some action. Since the name of the course​​ is a string, it should be in double quotes, the price is numeric and hence without quotes ​​ 

Next​​ we will write ‘Then’ statement that​​ defines an outcome

So this was our first scenario. Likewise, you can write any number of scenarios for search feature.

Configure​​ the cucumber feature

Let us see how to​​ configure​​ cucumber​​ feature​​ 

Right click feature file > Run As > Run Configurations

See below.​​ Expand ‘Cucumber Feature’ and select New_configuration.​​ 

Click ‘Browse’ button and select the path of the feature file

Execute the feature file

Click Apply, click Run

The below message would be seen in console:

The console has suggested us 3 java methods (code snippets)​​ 
that need to be implemented. So basically, we have not yet implemented the​​ 3 steps in our​​ feature​​ file.​​ The 3 steps are: Given, When, Then.​​ 
The feature​​ file​​ currently​​ is in plain English​​ language.​​ 

You can also execute the feature file by right clicking the feature file > Run As > Cucumber Feature, see below.​​ 

Create Step Definition

Recall the cucumber framework design that we had discussed in previous tutorial. In a step definition file, we map the Give/When/Then steps using @ annotations

Now, under src/test/java, create a new package ‘StepDefinitions’ and under this package, create a class

Next, go to the console and copy the code snippets

Paste these methods in step definition​​ file:

Right now there are 3 errors.​​ Press Ctrl+Shift+o to import Given/When/Then

The errors are resolved now.

See below. The ‘Given’ step in feature file is mapped to @Given in step definition file. Also, the​​ exact​​ step​​ name​​ written in feature file​​ "Search field should be present on the Way2Automation website"​​ is mapped to the​​ step​​ of @Given method​​ in the step def file​​ 

Next,​​ whatever is the step name "Search field should be present on the Way2Automation website",​​ cucumber will generate the same method name​​ 

Note:​​ You can change the method name​​ to any other desired name, example​​ search_field_should_be_present_on_the_website().​​ However, the step name CANNOT be changed.​​ So, you​​ cannot​​ change the step name to​​ @Given("Search field should be present on the website").

Next, the string that we mentioned within double quotes in the ‘When’ step, translates to {string}​​ in the step definition file. Similalrly, the integer we mentioned in the ‘When’ step, translates​​ to {int}​​ in the step definition file. Also, cucumber automatically generates 2 method parameters: String, Integer​​ 

Next, you can change the variable names as seen below

Similarly, you can change the variable name in @Then method

One thing that you notice in the step definition file is that, cucumber automatically generates an exception.​​ The reason being, we have not yet written any​​ java code for the respective steps.

Next, run the feature file

So, when you now run the feature file, the console shows the​​ same​​ Exception

To resolve this, let us remove the​​ exception from the step def file, see below

Next, we will write some simple java code SOPs

Whatever course name and price you have written in the feature file, the same gets passed to ‘courseName’ and ‘price’ variables respectively in step def file.

Next, let us again run the feature file

Notice the console output, all 3 steps got passed this time. There are no exceptions.

Also notice that the respective course name and price​​ gets passed to the SOPs, see below. You can also see the respective Give/When/Then steps in the console below. The course name mentioned in When/Then steps matches with the course names in respective SOPs

So, this is how we implement the step definition file.

Thank you​​ for reading!

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