Create and run first selenium script in Behave BDD

Tutorial​​ 11-​​ Create and run first selenium script in Behave BDD

Welcome to the 11th article in Behave BDD series!

What you will Learn:

  • Download Chrome driver​​ executable

  • Create​​ and run​​ first selenium script using behave​​ in chrome

  • Install latest Firefox browser

  • Download GeckoDriver for firefox browser

  • Run the script in firefox browser

Download​​ chrome driver​​ executable

Navigate to official website of selenium​​​​ 

Expand the ‘Browsers’ section, see below​​ 

Click ‘documentation’ link under ‘Chrome’ sub section, the below page comes up​​​​ 

Click ‘Downloads’ that you see above, the below page comes up​​​​ 

Look for the chrome version your machine (as you can see below, the version is 90)

Since chrome version is 90, let us click ‘ChromeDriver 90.0.4430.24’ link ​​ 

The below page comes up​​​​ 

Click and download ‘’​​ >​​ extract it >​​ place it in​​ the​​ location​​ C:\Users\....\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts

Make sure to add this path​​ in environment variables (you can refer Tutorial_2_Setup_Python_Pip for details)

Create and run first selenium script using behave​​ in chrome

Ensure that selenium is installed in your system (you can refer​​ Tutorial_3_Setup_PythonVirtualEnv_Selenium_Behave​​ for details).

Open command prompt and cd to​​ C:\Users\....\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts

Execute below command. You should see selenium along with its version in the result​​ 

Create and run first selenium script using behave

We will first create a simple feature file

The steps are self-explanatory. Let us inspect the logo and find out its xpath

So the xpath is​​ //img[@alt='Logo']

Let us now create the corresponding step definition file. The functions are self-explanatory​​ (in line#7 we are launching browser, in line#11 we are navigating to website, in line#15 we are capturing the status of logo, in line#16 we are asserting if the logo got displayed or not, line#17 ensures that the​​ chrome​​ browser does not close immediately)

The advantage of keeping the browser drivers in the location​​ C:\Users\....\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts
is that we don’t have to explicitly mention the driver location path in line number 7 viz​​ 

Let us now run the feature

Note: The first time when you run, you might get a windows access popup, just allow access

Notice that the feature passed.

Let us intentionally make the xpath incorrect

Save the file

Re-run the feature. Notice that we get an exception and 3rd​​ step fails

Let us change back the xpath

Install latest Firefox browser
Download latest firefox browser

Download​​ GeckoDriver for firefox browser
To work with firefox browsers, we need to download geckodriver. To do that, go to​​​​ 

Download and place it in below location

Run the script in firefox browser

Comment line number 7 and add line number 8

Run the feature file

The script passes. Also, the firefox browser does not close automatically.

So this is how we integrate selenium with behave and execute the scripts.

Thank you for reading!

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