Tutorial 14 – Keypress and GET Request API testing in Playwright
What you will Learn in this blog:
Keypress in PW
Automate API GET Request
Code snippet
Keypress in PW
Launch https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/key_presses
Bring cursor in the highlighted text area and press ‘Tab’ key. We would notice ‘You Entered: TAB’ text written below the text field
Let us see how we can automate this use case.
Let us inspect this field, notice that it can be located using the ‘id’
Next, launch
Notice that we have ‘press’ method that we can use to simulate pressing a keyword
These are some of the keys that we can in with the method
So line#7 uses one of the keys ‘F1’
Save and execute.
Notice below F1 key was pressed
Similarly, we can try with other keys.
Automate API GET Request
Launch https://reqres.in/
Click GET request shown against SINGLE USER.
Notice that the response is 200 (viz the GET request was successfully processed by the server)
Also notice the ‘Request’ uri that is shown above viz /api/users/2.
Let us see how to validate the response using PW.
Notice below the change in syntax to handle api requests
Also, note below that our url is composed of ‘base url’ plus ‘uri’
So our script loks like below
Save and execute.
Notice below that our test gets passed. This means that we received status code 200 in our response
Let us change the response code to 404
Save and execute.
Notice below that our test fails. The reason being, we are expecting status code 404 but received 200
Let us now test below api having response code of 404
Our code would look ike below
Save and execute. The test passes
Code snippet (keyress)
import {test,expect} from '@playwright/test'
test("keypress", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/')
await page.locator("text=Key Presses").click()
await page.press('#target','F1')
await page.pause()
Code snippet (api get request)
import {test,expect} from '@playwright/test'
test("api get response", async ({ request }) => {
//const response = await request.get('https://reqres.in/api/users/2')
const response = await request.get('https://reqres.in/api/users/23')
Thank you for reading!